Monday 4 July 2011

Ooooh my legs...

So another action packed weekend has drawn to a close. Lots of fun was had but today I'm shattered, absolutely pooped. However I am looking forward to the week ahead, not that I have much on.

Saturday the girls and myself packed up a yummy picnic and headed into Henley to soak up a bit of regatta atmosphere. We stay right out the way of the main event because it just gets too busy and it's darn expensive too.

It's a great place to people watch. Of course you get your Hooray henrys and your Ra Ra Rachels but the best ones are the common folks who dress up in their best Primani and actually look the part until they open their mouths.

We sat by a boat which had some girls quaffing champers on the bow and their lads at the stern drinking cans of lager. The girls we're laughing with extra energy and the guys we're probably just talking about bricklaying or football.

At one point the girls all stood up to sing Happy Birthday to one of the guys and it was at that point you realised that it probably wasn't their boat! This rendition had no "H" in happy and birthday was spelt with an "F"..............

"Appy burfday to you, appy burfday day to you, appy burfday dear Daaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrreeeeenn, appy burfday to yooooooooouuuu"

Another lady (I'm being polite) disembarked from the boat with the jazz band, immediately lit a cigarette then proceeded to stand with loads young kids at a kiosk and then ordered a hot dog, still puffing away. Really classy.

Still we had a good time and Emily got to work on her cricket bowling which I have to say is coming on well, she's getting her arm straight and showing signs of good accuracy....which is quite amazing seeing as it's me giving the tuition.

Saturday afternoon and evening was a musical affair. Firstly a quick warm up and a few beers at my buddies house followed by DJ'ing at Bar Mango in Reading. It was great fun being out in the garden with like minded people. I think we all did well musically and created a really nice party atmosphere which was almost like it used to be.

I'm not sure how or when I got home, I think it was about 6am via a little after party at a friends house (sorry neighbours). Getting in at that time isn't unusual for me but then playing cricket for the whole day after doing so is normally not my idea of fun.

For some reason I thought the game was starting at around 2pm but I upon arrival at 12:30pm I soon realised that I was 2 hours. Worse still was that I was informed that my chat to the journalist during the week had made it to the paper and lets just say the teachers at the club gave me some stick for it.

I stand by the comments I made although I'm pretty sure they changed a few words and I'm definitely not 36 years old. I won't go into to much detail on the article but it was concerning the teachers strike and as someone who pays quite a lot of tax I think I'm entitled to an opinion on how the public sector workers behave.

My friend wrote an excellent blog on the situation here and it echoes my thoughts exactly. I'd much rather people read this than what was in the paper as I do feel a little empathy (but not a great deal) for some of the strikers which doesn't really come across in the newspaper article.

Anyway they'll get over it :-) I do enjoy the banter though.

Once cricket was finished I went straight home to the sofa and some good old fashioned sleepy TV. First off it was the Goodwood festival of speed coverage on Sky which gave me a few nod off moments then Top Gear which is just so boring and predictable one can't help but feel sleepy. Coast followed that and I absolutely love that program but it always sends me to sleep, I find myself having to catch up on all the bits I've missed on the iPlayer.

I didn't actually get off the sofa until 1am. I blame Robson Green and his extreme fishing for that one.

I had a craving for a hot and spicy lamb curry yesterday but my laziness mean't I had to settle for cold pizza. It even had Pineapple on it !!! Pineapple on pizzas is just so wrong, I feel dirty for eating it! Best satisfy the curry craving tonight although I'm going make it myself rather that get one from uncle Raj.

Toodlepip xx.....

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