Wednesday 8 June 2011

We thawt about it........

OH Please excuse the terrible pun in the posts title.....It'll make sense in a bit.

We decided after much discussion that we would withdraw our interest in the house we viewed on Monday. Good sense prevailed because we asked ourselves do we really need to move? Are we in anyway unhappy with where we are? Can we really afford it?

All answers were "No"

Fair enough we don't really have room to swing a cat in our Victorian terrace (however tempting it is) and the extra elbow room would have been nice. Having an extra room for the newbie would also have been a bonus but ultimately, as it usually does, it all comes down to finances. I'm sure we could have it and get by but there might be times when funds get a little tight which can bring tension into the household and it's just not worth risking our current harmonious lifestyle especially when we've got little "name to be announced soon" on the way.

So with that I shall move onto the foodie bit and an interesting article that I came across from the New York Times after following a link on Twitter from Fiona Beckett AKA @food_writer.

The article is written by a true legend of the culinary world Harold McGee. This guy has almost single handedly revolutionised the way the worlds top chefs think about cooking and is an inspiration to people like Heston Blumenthal and Ferran AdriĆ .

The topic covers the benighted ideas behind the thawing out of frozen meat. For those a little bit concerned about which are the safest and quickest ways of doing this the article (follow this link) is a very good read.

I have mentioned it before but I will do so again because if you are reading this and are serious about food in anyway then you really need to get yourselves a copy of this fact both of these books -

I'm now thinking about food and what to make for this evenings supper. I'm feeling the urge to come up with a new recipe. I'm thinking seasonally of course but also thinking something that will fit in with the dietary requirements of my beautifully radiant and expectant other ERM.....lots of thinking.

Stay tuned for tomorrows exciting episode ...... toodlepip xx

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