Tuesday 22 March 2011

Drizzle McSchnizzle....

Was a bit rainy this morning on the peninsula but far from being a pain it was a welcome refreshment from the last week of rather excellent weather.

Following on from the last blog post I've been petty active. Of course the highlight so far and the reason I'm here was for the wedding and I have to say it was a pretty perfect day, even the weather behaved impeccably to the point that the only bit of cloud cover was when everybody was outside for the actual ceremony which made it slightly cooler and much more bearable, especially for the marriage vows, speeches and readings. They do things differently over here, much more jovial than the usual stuffiness of a UK wedding.

The bride and groom both looked amazing as did their beautiful daughter who pretty much stole the show with her antics and cheeky smile. The setting too was just incredible being out on the lawn in the stunning gardens at the brides family home which overlooks the bay.

The reception was also a very fun affair highlighted by the brides father and his very impressive air instrument repertoire!! Yeah I suppose that is usual dad stuff when it comes to their childrens weddings but when you consider that the father of the bride is a very well known and well respected TV news reporter it just seems all that bit more humourous. We watched him do the 6pm news report yesterday and all expected to see him suddenly bust out some air guitar to Bon Jovi alas it wasn't to be be he's still a legend.

So anyway yesterday we got a coach tour up to a few wineries in the area.

Again it was a terrific day, started off very hot and a bit muggy but soon it calmed down and a welcome breeze came whistling through the valleys.

That climate alone made for some very nice wines, mainly Pinot Grigio and Pinot Noir but there were some other including Pinot Gris, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and a whole host of blends, the last of which was my favourite but it's the only one who's name a cannot remember. Not that it matters too much because these places rarely distribute outside of Victoria let alone internationally. Finished the day off with a mountainous BBQ at the matrimonial home before head back to my studio apartment for a nice nights sleep.

Depending on the weather tomorrow we may head out on a fishing trip for a few hours and I've promised to cook up something yummy if we catch anything worth eating. I've never been deep sea fishing before so if we can get out it would be great. I've course fished many times as a teenager when up in Ely visiting my pops but I don't think I'd have been able to make a fish finger out of anything I caught then let alone a fish supper.

Thinking it might be a good idea to give the liver a bit of a rest too as it's been pretty much non stop boozing since I got here and I think my internal organs will appreciate a bit of time off.

Also thought I'd got ahead of the game with regard to the bug bites but I've just noticed one on my back and it's an absolute whopper, I've left my itch cream at the studio too so it looks like it's swinging back in the bugs favour. Rest assured I will not give up you little critters. Ultimately I know they will win but I'm going down fighting!!!

So I guess I better sign off as I've got to go to the supermarket for provisions. The supermarkets here are so expensive, it's the complete opposite of the UK. There are really only two of them and they seems to be in competition as to who can be the most expensive rather than the other way around. They certainly wouldn't be able to get away with with it in the EU with the competition and pricing rules.

It's actually cheaper to buy groceries from specialist stores rather than the big supermarkets and the more I think about that the more I like it because it supports the local economy, you still have green grocers, butchers and fishmongers in the shopping areas and where in the UK do you see that these days? Tescos & Chavsdas et al have a lot to answer for.

So that's it.....Toodlepip xxx

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