Tuesday 13 July 2010

Bedtime Reading

I'm really struggling this morning to find something to ramble on needlessly about. Was going to describe how bloomin brilliant it was so see Cocoon recordings had linked directly to my last blog on Facebook......How good is that ?!?

Was going to add the super groovy picture that is on Carley's phone of yours truly at CITP wearing the same shirt as Sven but I forgot the camera :-(

So I've decided on the subject of bedtime reading.

Last night after watching that fantastic program that Griff Rhys Jones did on ITV 4 about New York I thought that seeing as I'd been yawning all day I'd grab myself a book and nip up to bed for some serious relaxing.

So I'd got to about 5 pages in and was totally enthralled. You know when you have a really good book and just the fact that you're going to be turning the page soon gets you really excited because you want so desperately to read the next bit?

Well anyway I was feeling very much like this.

I'm assuming now that you just want to know what book it was that I was reading?

Was it a tale of adventure? Pages upon pages of wonderous tales from exotic corners of our globes...............ERM................No.

Was it an epic romance? Unbridled love and passion that would tweak the heart strings of even the most brutal of men and make women swathe in a sea of eroticism, heart racing at the thought that one day this could all be a reality..............ERM............Not Exactly.

Oh how about a fast pace espionage saga? One man on a quest to find out the truth behind suspected government lies, ducking between the shadows of night, he'll stop at nothing to find and expose the truth that will ultimately save the whole of the human race...............WEEEELLLLLLLL.......ERM......No.

OK what was it?

It was the Good Housekeeping Institute's revised Cookbook......OH Yeah - Rock'n'Roll

Not an ounce of adventure, not a knob of romance, not even as much as 200g of espionage mixed with Vanilla sugar and Chantilly Cream. However I do know now how to save a Hollandaise sauce should it curdle and surely thats enough to give anybody sweet dreams?

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