Wednesday 15 September 2010

Midweek ramble

Can it be Wednesday already? Time flies when you're having fun I guess.

This morning, under my new healthy eating regime, I decided that I would pop to the supermarket and get myself some Granola.

I first fell for Granola when I was over the pond in L.A. I was out there with work and staying at the rather splendid Sheraton Universal in the Hollywood suburb of Universal City.

The buffet breakfast included just plain Granola which I had with just plain Yoghurt and it was a revelation, I made a point of urging myself to locate this in the UK when I got back and have it every morning.

However...............Can I find just plain Granola anywhere ?!?! NO

It's either boxed up with Banana Flakes, Macadamia Nuts, Almonds or various dried fruits such a Strawberries, Raisins, Mango, Papaya etc etc all of course which vastly boost the sugar content. I'm guessing the have to do this because I should imagine that Granola on it's own is pretty bloomin worthless so by adding these "Exotic" ingredients they can get away with selling an Eggcup full for about £70.00 !!

Well anyway I found a compromise. I'm really not a fan at all of dried fruit so I thought that just Granola with mixed nuts would be fine.

So I pick up the environmentally friendly plastic pouch and look at the brightly coloured, fairtrade and organic labelling that's already making me feel like some kind of new age hippy that goes jogging in public places then I turn it over to read the label of it's nutritional content and what do I see..............?

28g of Fat per 100g !!! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat !!

Also on the back of the label it tells you that not only does it contains these nuts it's also packed fully of nice sugary syrup, this snippet of info the decided to leave off the front packaging.

Absolutely disgraceful. So I went for good old reliable Weetabix with it's not so scale tipping 2g of Fat per 100g

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