In my search to find amusing content I've been looking at the wonderful Facebook parody that is Lamebook. It's a whole website dedicated to all that's wrong with the social networking medium that some of us call home.
Actually I think that Facebook are in the process of suing Lamebook so here's hoping that this blog doesn't get censored by all seeing eyes.
I have lots of personal rules and beliefs in life that I always try to follow to make myself a better person and to ensure that I treat people with respect even at times to people who don't deserve it. One of those beliefs is that no matter how you are feeling emotionally, no matter how depressed you are about your life there is always people out there in the world who are worse off that you be that emotionally, educationally, financially, physically and intellectually.
It's never right or nice to laugh at somebody else's misfortune but plain idiocy is just is watching drunk people fall over.
So here are a few things that have tickled me over the years.
Jericho - was just thinking if God didn’t want us to masturbate he would have made our arms shorter…
Maybe that’s why the T-rex was always so angry


Tomorrow I think I'll focus my attention on drunk people.....
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