Monday 10 January 2011

Well excuse me!!

OK excuse me for just being a little sentimental, it's unlike me but it's around this time of year when I feel I have to and because I really want to as well.

It's been almost 3 years to the day that I had my little brainiac incident and although I tend to forget about it I do have people remind me and when they do I feel slightly ashamed that I can't bring myself to spend the time to thank all the people who help me through it. It's not that I'm not grateful I'm just one of those people that erases bad memories......apologies for that.

It's all very well and good me thanking the marvellous people a the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford. Professor Byrne and his team of doctors and nurses are amazing and did everything they could to ensure firstly that I'm still here and secondly that I made a full recovery.

I cannot however forget the people that saved my life and that was Jane, her dad Roy and Rebecca. As miraculous as it was that the folks at the hospital sorted me out I probably wouldn't even had made it that far if it wasn't for these guys and forgetting everything else I truly owe them my life and I will never forget it.

Other things stick out too. The fantastic support I got from my work, my buddies coming to visit me at the Royal Berks, the old boy in the bed opposite and his stories about Abbingdon, welsh Zoe coming to visit, the bloke in the bed next to me at the Royal Berks who thought he was at home and kept calling for his wife "Maaaaaauuuuurrreeeen", my Indian nurse at the John Radcliffe who apologised unreservedly every time he had to wake me up in the night to take my 2 hourly medication, my day nurse at the time whom I swear to this day is an actual angel, the very very very very camp nurse who "prepped my groin" before the operation "oooooooooooooooooooh" he said.

Of course all of my dearest friends and family that were quite obviously worried but because of them I knew I'd be OK.

So that's that....Thankyou all and I'll write all this again next year :-)


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