Monday 17 January 2011

Good Monday.....

Hello world. Happy Monday to you all.

Had hardly any sleep at all this weekend which considering my intake of just 4 pints of beer and one after dinner Whiskey might seem somewhat of a head scratcher.

My only venture out was to DJ at Sakura (Reading) on Saturday night and that was really rather good as it was unexpectedly busy. I usually get there with plenty of time to spare before starting at the usual 9pm but even at 8:30pm it was getting busy, so much so that they had to open the VIP room to cater for the people who couldn't fit easily into the downstairs bar which is my Saturday night domain. First time that has happened when I've been working there.

Positive on that is that there are plenty of people up and dancing earlier but the downfall is that I didn't get out of there until 2:45am which left barely enough time to drive home and get the cricket on.

Great game that was too and Australia deserved to win, only drifted off to sleep a couple of times so managed to watch a good 95% of the action with my cricket buddy Holly the cat keeping me company.

Very tired on Sunday though but had a lovely day with my girls firstly at the park, following that a pub lunch then afterwards sofa cuddles and much needed sleep.

Got a busy start to the week with getting my paperwork sorted for my yearly tax return then later this evening getting the curry ready for Tuesday regular pub night. I thought last weeks effort although nice could do with some improvement and preparing it a day earlier should bring out more flavour from the sauce giving it more depth.

So onto news stories that have so far brightened up my "Blue Monday" hope they do it for you too -

Having dabbled with the odd silly name using deed pole myself (adding in Tarquin as a middle name) I found this amusing, not sure I'd go quite as far as the newly named Dr Pasty-Smasher Omelette.

OK not exactly a news story but it's certainly a bit funny. You've definitely gotta have balls to play this game -

Not sure I can top that one today but I'll keep looking....

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