Friday 14 January 2011

Drunk Chicks......

Following on from the mystery that surrounded the mass deaths of Blackbirds in Arkansas, a story that that I linked too in a previous blog another story emerges about some poor Starlings this time that dropped out of the sky in town of Costanta in Romania.

Initial reports circled around the avian flu epidemic that struck the area a while back and there were fears that a new outbreak had occurred however autopsies revealed that not to be the case. So what happened to these lovely little birdies?........They got drunk!

They'd been feeding on grape residue that fermented inside their stomachs and effectively turned into wine and got them so smashed that they couldn't handle it and the all bit the big one, poor things.

Now me being me is wondering what they would taste like if you cooked and ate that wrong?

Maybe a bigger about we introduce small amounts of red wine into Duck feed? Surely over time they'd develop a tolerance and eventually you'd have lovely tasting Duck that even comes with it's own sauce.....could do the same with Orange juice too I suppose.

Anyway what does a drunken bird look like? This one had one too many fermented cherries............

Word of warning here...if you are easily offended do not under any circumstances google "Drunk Chicks"................some of them are very very funny though :-D

1 comment:

  1. There is a pub in Hawkeshead (?) in Cumbria called The Drunken Duck. The legend goes that a barrel leaked onto the duck feed and the ducks were found lying about dead still the next morning. The old lady started plucking them thinking they were dead. After a while they started to wake up, some quite bald by this time, which shocked the poor woman. To keep them warm while their feathers grew back she knitted them woolley coats. I've been in this pub and the legend is written on the wall for all to read. Nice pub too and beautiful surroundings. Love from Mummy xx
