Tuesday 24 August 2010

Overdue rant.....

Well I've not had a rant for a while and to be honest I am pretty good at them.

This one is one of those things that really grates on me, especially when you are trying to help somebody. It's when people ask you a question and then immediately try to explain why they are asking the question.

It goes something like this.......

Them - "Oh Ben, I hear you went to that new restaurant in town the other day. What was it like?"

Me - "Yea...(interrupted by questioner)

Them - "Because I was thinking that I might go there at the weekend as my sister is down for a friends wedding and it'd be really nice to try somewhere new"

Me - "Wel....(interrupted again)

Them - "Oh it's been ages since I've seen her, couple of years at least"

Me - Rea....(Guess what?)

Them - "No I tell a lie it's been about six years. Yeah because we were at Auntie Sue's house and everybody got so drunk. I feel over and banged my head on the kitchen cabinet, I was sooo embarrassed"

Me - B.......(Grrrrrrrrr)

Them - "Came up in big bump it did, looked like I had half a squash ball stuck to my forehead"

And on and on and on and on it goes.......

How should the conversation have gone?

Them - "Oh Ben, I hear you went to that new restaurant in town the other day. What was it like?"

Me - "Very nice actually, food was good, quite reasonably priced and it had a very nice atmosphere. I'd recommend it"

And we are done :-) None of my precious time has been taken up by inane conversation that I have not one single ounce of interest in nor would I ever be likely too.

Probably the same kind of people that get all upset when they don't get a reply to an SMS message even though the initial SMS message did not contain a single question.

We all know them....

Texter sends SMS containing "I'm going to the Pub tonight"

Two days later the people are having an actual conversation.

Text receiver - "How was the pub the other night?"

Texter - "Well I didn't go did I?"

Text receiver - "But didn't you text me to say that's what you were doing?"

Texter - "Yeah but you didn't text back and I wasn't going on my own"

Text receiver - "Oh you were actually mean't to be asking me if I'd like to meet you at the pub? Well why the fricken frack didn't you just ask that in the first place instead of assumimg that I'd know exactly what you mean? Actually why don't you just go away and never ever text or speak to me again?"

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